GlassesSA helps South Australians obtain low-cost glasses, or for those with serious eye conditions, no-cost contact lenses.
If you are eligible for glasses, the maximum you will pay for a complete pair of glasses is:
• Glasses with single vision lenses – $25
• Glasses with single vision grind lenses – $30
• Glasses with bi-focal lenses – $50
• Glasses with multi-focal lenses – $100
Optometrists will offer a selection of frames for you to choose from, but cannot offer to upgrade to other frames, lenses, treatments or packages, nor can the benefit under GlassesSA be used as a discount against other frames, lenses, products, treatments or services.
Only basic frames and either standard single vision, single vision grind, bi-focal, or multi-focal lenses are provided under GlassesSA. Lens prescriptions that are incompatible with the basic frames and standard lenses, and any treatments, services or upgrades that are additional to the basic frames and standard lenses, cannot be provided.
If you are prescribed contact lenses under GlassesSA, your lenses will be at no cost to you. Optometrists or ophthalmologists cannot offer to upgrade to more expensive contact lenses, nor can the benefit under GlassesSA be used as a discount against other contact lenses, products or services.
If you are eligible for glasses, you are entitled to one new pair every three years. You may be eligible again during the three-year time limit if the glasses are clinically necessary.
If you are eligible for contact lenses, you are entitled to them as often as they are certified as being clinically necessary by the optometrist or ophthalmologist for one of the prescribed eye conditions.
To be eligible, applicants must:
Live permanently in South Australia
Receive one of the following maximum rate Centrelink payments:
• Carer Payment
• Aged Pension
• Disability Support Pension
• Newstart Allowance
• Parenting Payment (single or partnered)
• receive a maximum rate pension from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA)
• be under the age of 18 years and are the dependant of a person receiving an eligible payment.
These payments and cards do not entitle you to glasses under GlassesSA:
• Centrelink Carer Allowance
• DVA pensioners who are eligible for the DVA optical scheme
• DVA Gold Card holders.
To be eligible, applicants must:
Live permanently in South Australia and hold one of the following cards:
• Pensioner Concession Card
• Health Care Card that has been valid for a continuous period of at least 12 months, or be a person who is listed on a Health Care Card as a qualified dependant
Have been diagnosed with one of the following prescribed medical conditions:
• unilateral or bilateral aphakia
• keratoconus, post corneal graft and corneal trauma
• corneal pathology requiring therapeutic soft lens
• aniridia and iris coloboma
• ametropia (myopia or hypermetropia) of +/- 6 dioptres or more
• anisometropia of 4 dioptres or more
• requiring disposable lenses for use as bandage lenses or in such cases only where the use of conventional lenses may not be appropriate
• other pathology that an optometrist or ophthalmologist certifies necessitates the prescription of contact lenses.
Have contact lenses that have been prescribed by:
• Flinders Medical Centre
• the Women’s and Children’s Hospital
• the Royal Adelaide Hospital
• a country optometrist (a country optometrist is an optometrist whose business address has a postcode greater than 5200 – your residential address must also have a postcode greater than 5200).
Please note that Elizabeth Eye Care is not permitted to prescribe you with contact lenses under the GlassesSA program but we can organise a referral for you to one of the providers listed above.
Phone between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm Monday to Friday – 1300 762 577
If you have a hearing or speech impairment – TTY 8226 6789
Or phone us directly at Elizabeth Eye Care on (08) 7009 4294
To arrange an onsite or telephone interpreter, or to have a document translated, call the Interpreting and Translating Centre (ITC) on 1800 280 203