Advanced eye care
You are in good hands
The ACO provides ocular disease services primarily in the areas of glaucoma and retinal disease. The clinics are staffed by optometrists with a specific interest and expertise in the detection and management of ocular disease. Advanced ocular imaging such as anterior and posterior OCT is often utilised in providing a thorough assessment.
The ACO offers vision assessment and management for children with developmental delays, learning difficulties and specific medical conditions. Our advanced services include the diagnostic assessment and management of strabismus (turned eye), amblyopia (lazy eye), binocular vision problems and developmental visual information processing.
ACO has a team of contact lens practitioners who are trained to manage complex and advanced ocular conditions. We offer rigid gas permeable (RGP), scleral, mini-scleral, prosthetic, orthokeratology (Ortho-K), graft and keratoconus lens designs. We work closely with corneal specialists and can offer co-management for cross-linking or corneal grafts for patients with anterior eye disease.
Our expert colour vision service provides information and counselling on any diagnosis of colour blindness. Our Carlton clinic is equipped with a full range of colour vision tests, equipment and occupational lanterns. The testing includes a complete colour vision diagnosis, discussion of common occupational standards and a written report. On request, further tests for job-specific requirements may be available. All assessments are conducted by optometrists with advanced knowledge of colour vision disorders.
Myopia occurs when the eyeball grows too quickly during childhood. The prevalence among 12 year old Australian children has doubled in the last 6 years. At the ACO we offer a number of treatments that may be able to slow the progression of myopia and our experienced optometrists can help you determine the best treatment for your child. Current treatments for controlling myopia progression include Atropine eye drops, multifocal contact lenses, Orthokeratology (“ortho-k”) and multifocal eyeglasses.
The ACO has been a world leader in the provision of low vision care for over 40 years. Our aim is to help vision impaired patients make the best use of their remaining vision.
Services include magnifiers and reading aids, adaptive devices and technologies, ocular healthcare and referrals for orientation and mobility training. Our comprehensive low vision service is offered through our Carlton clinic, with introductory services offered throughout our other metropolitan clinics.
The ACO welcomes referrals from GP’s, optometrists and healthcare professionals, as well as those involved in the education or welfare sector. When you refer to the ACO, you wil receive a written report on the outcome of the consultation (subject to patient consent).
The easiest way to make an appointment is to phone us and speak to one of our friendly staff. Alternately, request an appointment online.