Join expert speakers as they deliver presentations on a variety of current clinical topics. Free to Members, these monthly online seminars are provide an opportunity to expand your knowledge. Members can access seminar recordings through the ACO Membership portal for up to 12 months.
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Dr Leigh Plowman
Tuesday 10 September 2024
Time: 7.30pm – 8.30pm AEST
CPD: 1.5T
Bewildered by patients where subjective symptoms appear NOT to correlate with objective indicators of dry eye?
This presentation explains how the homeostatic mechanism regulating the sub epithelial corneal nerve plexus can breakdown and produce aberrant stimuli such as pain.
Developing a comprehensive framework for peripheral- and central-based corneal neuropathic pain (CNP) will guide selection of topical, oral and/or other novel treatment options. Paradoxically, similar insult caused by diabetes might not cause pain, however, can be just as devastating to corneal integrity. Learning to recognise the early symptoms and patterns in CNP and providing timely intervention can have a significant impact not just on a patient’s quality of vision, but just as importantly quality of life.
Dr Kevin Hsieh
Tuesday 13 August 2024
Time: 7.30pm – 8.30pm AEST
CPD: 1.5C
While most optometrists would subconsciously acknowledge the potential for a patient’s mindset to influence both the consultation process and response to treatment, this presentation aims to provide a conceptual and practical framework to assist with managing this aspect of the consultative process. The psychological processes of transference, projection and countertransference will be discussed within the context of health care practitioner-patient interaction. Dr Kevin Hsieh, a psychiatry trainee/registrar at Northern Health, will use both his experience as a doctor and knowledge of evidence based psychological medicine to educate and advise optometrists.
Dr Bob Wang and Janelle Scully
Tuesday 16 July 2024
Time: 7pm – 8.30pm AEST
CPD: 2Ti
Atlantis was a mythical utopian city whose refined and progressive civilisation burned brightly around 9500 BCE. However, the descent of the city’s inhabitants into excessive pride and immorality angered the ancient gods, who punished the city with one terrible night of fire and earthquakes causing Atlantis to sink into the sea.
Conceptually, the Hill of Vision upon which the science of perimetry rests could be analogous to the ancient city of Atlantis. For our glaucoma patients, we want to avoid their Hill of Vision slowly sliding or suddenly sinking into the sea of blindness. We should appease the “Gods of Glaucoma” by taking good care of intraocular pressure targets, detecting key signs such as peripheral anterior synechiae, and being alert for the early warning signs, or “tremors”, of glaucoma progression so as to avoid the cataclysmic “earthquake” of irreversible vision loss.
Join Dr Bob Wang (fellowship trained glaucoma specialist) and Janelle Scully (Manager, Ocular Disease and Diagnostic Services at ACO) in a gentle yet discerning analysis which considers the various risk factors for progression of glaucoma. This discussion will be complimented by a series of case study presentations which investigate the potentially nuanced development of progression in glaucoma.
Professor Michael Kalloniatis
Tuesday 11 June 2024
Time: 7:30pm to 9pm AEST
CPD: 2.0Ti
Ischaemic stroke is a leading cause of death and may impact the eye in a range of eye conditions. Optometrists as primary eye care practitioners are in a unique position to assess and manage ischaemic events. This course will integrate the plethora of imaging modalities, core clinical results and visual function to allow optometrists to identify patients at risk of ischaemic stroke and initiate referral pathways.
The vascular supply of the eye will be reviewed with an emphasis on understanding changes evident in the retina or optic nerve secondary to ischaemic events and assess visual field (VF) results to identify likely location within the visual pathway. Through clinical presentations, examples will be provided to assist practitioners to diagnose and suitably manage patients presenting with ischaemic events.
Professor Isabelle Jalbert
Tuesday 9 April 2024
Time: 7:30pm to 8:30pm AEST
Upto 1.5 T CPD hours
Given the increasing health care needs of an aging population, ensuring high standards of clinical care in optometry is desirable both on an individual and population level. The iCareTrack studies were designed to analyse the clinical routines of optometrists caring for patients with either diabetes or glaucoma, to both assess current optometry clinical care standards and investigate the impact on practising patterns derived from self-assessment of care provided, targeted learning activities, and subsequent clinical auditing.
Professor Isabelle Jalbert from UNSW will detail the key findings from the iCareTrack group of studies and provide strategies that can be adapted from this study for optometrists to become more aware of and implement changes to practising patterns for patients with diabetes or glaucoma. Given some commonalities in the pathophysiology of diabetes and glaucoma, Professor Jalbert will also discuss the co-morbidity of glaucoma and diabetes and how optometrists can identify and manage risk.
Tuesday 12 March 2024
6pm to 8pm AEDT
Note: This is an in-person event taking place at ACO Carlton, 374 Cardigan St, VIC 3053. This event is open to optometry students and ACO Members
Student register here.
ACO Member register here.
Join us as ACO graduate optometrists present a single standout case study from their first year of practice.
As part of a leading public health eye care provider, these early career optometrists have navigated rare conditions, challenging diagnoses and innovative treatment plans often unexplored in other optometry settings.
This evening seminar is ideal for optometry students preparing to launch their career. Learn directly from the experiences and insights of recent graduates who have successfully tackled complex cases. Likewise, this seminar is perfect for experienced optometrists interested in discussing complex case management and nurturing the growth of new talents in the field.
Dr Carla Abbott
Tuesday 13 February 2024
7:30pm to 8:30pm AEST
Upto 1.5 T CPD hours
For the first time, there are approved treatments for atrophic AMD available in the USA, and it is expected these treatments will also be considered by Australian regulators in the coming months. Having access to potential new treatment options means it is imperative optometrists are ready to respond with changes in clinical management to ensure our patients can access them.
This talk will cover the diagnosis, treatment and clinical record keeping needs in this new era of AMD management, including the importance of ensuring correct differential diagnosis of AMD from inherited retinal disease, the need for multimodal imaging to help with decisions regarding treatment options, and collaborative management with ophthalmology. The talk will also discuss the emerging treatments for AMD for both atrophic and neovascular disease, an update on trial outcomes, regulatory approvals and also new studies with real-world data. Finally, there are many opportunities for patients in Australia to be involved in cutting-edge clinical trials for AMD, and the referral process for patients to access these will be outlined.