On Sunday 16th July, the ACO held its full day of anterior eye Clinical Workshops, where optometrists had the option to attend both the Dry eye or Orthokeratology sessions or their single topic of interest.
The event provided a rare opportunity to gain hands-on experience in practical skills within a small, skills-based group workshop environment guided by experts in dry eye and/or orthokeratology.
Dr Leigh Plowman (Dry Eye Directory) and Varny Ganesalingam (ACO Dry Eye Disease Clinic) delivered face-to-face lectures highlighting updates on recent developments in the diagnosis, classification and management of dry eye. Following these lectures ACO Clinical Education Coordinator, Laura De Angelis, led a demonstration of both the Lumenis IPL and the Johnson and Johnsons Lipiflow system for the treatment of dry eye.
In the afternoon Orthokeratology workshop, specialty lens fitting expert Associate Professor Richard Vojlay guided an interactive practical session using real-life case examples. This session was strengthened by online lectures delivered by Philip Cheng and Alex Petty with advice on patient selection, lens fitting and troubleshooting which were made available in advance of the event.
The ACO extends its thanks to the expert line-up of lecturers and practical leaders, our delegates for joining us, and the event sponsors Good Optical Services and Lumenis.